Confessions of an Interior Designer: Reminiscing


Moving into my first office space was scary. I went up one side and down the other of all the pros and cons of moving out of my home office and into a space of my own. It was a 350 sq.ft room equipped with two desks, a 48” round table and lots of wall storage. At the time there was plenty of room for myself and an office manager. We slowly grew and by the time we moved out we were bursting at the seams, even after taking over another office space across the hall.

At the time, decisions like these feel monumental. All consuming. And yet I look back and wonder why I didn’t move into an office space sooner. But as the saying goes,

“The rearview mirror is always clearer than the windshield.”

Confessions of an Interior Designer, Reminiscing, Nyla Free Designs, Calgary Interior Designer

Above, I sit in our empty office after I cleaned the space prior to our final walkthrough. Bittersweet of course, however I felt so ready and excited to turn the page on a new chapter.

It’s been a full year since we moved into our new office and what a whirlwind it’s been. (More on that in another post). Roughly triple the size from our previous office, far more on brand visually and enough room we’re not bumping into each other every time we move. We absolutely love our new space! Our little NFDI family has become closer and more connected and we’ve got a wonderful space to meet with clients, spread out and let the creative juices flow.

We recently had our office photographed and new head shots taken. We can’t wait to share the final result with you! We’ll be sharing it in a new format of our newsletter so if you haven’t signed up (different from our blog!) we’d love for you to join that list. We have so many exciting things brewing for the New Year.

Newsletter sign up on our contact page!
