How & Why Interior Designer Rates Differ

Photography: Michelle Jonhson


Unlike other industries, there is no science or formula for determining an hourly rate amongst interior designers. Industry standards vary from city to city, and subsequently within each city, there are further variables from firm to firm. How a designer charges is a necessary question when determining the right fit, however it’s not simply about the dollar amount. As every designer has a different aesthetic, so too do they have variables in their experience, offerings, team, and overall business structure. It’s important to consider the company, and brand as a whole when determining the fit, rather than simply deciding based on price alone. So why, and how do rates vary? We’ve got some insight for you!

Experience & Expertise

Experience plays a large part in a rate/ hour as the more experience a firm has, the more it’s likely to charge. That being said, it’s good to have an understanding of what their experience is, and how it will benefit your project.

  • Do they specialize in decor, renovations, and/or new home builds?

  • What types of projects have they completed? Large, small, local? In other cities?

  • Is the interior designer a junior vs. intermediate vs. senior vs. principal? Does the firm have a team?

  • Are they versed in working on the type of project you have planned?

  • How many years has the designer been in business?

Interior design firms with a team of people will often work on a scale of fees, meaning the hourly rate will differ depending on who is doing the work. This approach is a great way to offset fees, and delegate within the office accordingly. Often times, the more experience a designer has, the more efficient they are, resulting in great value.

Expertise also comes into play when considering hourly rates. Whether it be training at the onset of their career, to other programs learned or courses taken along the way.

Other questions you might ask in regards to expertise may be…

  • Do they travel to industry related shows to advance their knowledge of finishes and materials, as well as product?

  • Do they specialize in a certain type of design such as sustainable design, restaurants, etc.

  • Have they taken courses to enhance their design skills, and stay on top of industry advances?

Flat Fee vs. Hourly Fee

A flat fee is a total amount proposed, and agreed upon based on overall scope, and billed through to project completion. Hourly fees are billed at an hourly rate and/ or scale of fees (if the designer has a team), based on any amount of work being done that moves a project forward.

There are pros and cons to both, so establishing how a designer bills for their time helps understand the working relationship, and manage expectations going forward.

Note: In addition to flat and hourly fee structures, some designers also offer packages, consultations and/ e-design.

Accomplishments & Accolades

While this isn’t necessarily a direct representation of hourly rates, it can affect them. Awards, publications and great reviews will increase peoples awareness of the designer, and ultimately how much they are sought after. If a designers work is highly recognized in the industry, whether in print publications or an award winning project, it says something about their ability, and expertise. As well, when an interior designer is respected in the industry, and has a positive reputation amongst publications, vendors, suppliers, trades and clients, word of mouth travels fast.

Not everyone will see the value in a particular designer. Someone may be right for one, and wrong for another, however having an understanding of the designer and/ or their firm will assist in your decision making process. Hiring an interior designer is one of the best decisions you’ll make for your project, whether a new home build, furniture & decor, or renovation. I encourage you to take your time, research in advance, and choose an interior designer that feels right to you. Understanding more about a designer is a critical step. It's important to note how differently one designer works from the next, and that's a good thing. It truly is about finding the right fit. When we connect with our ideal client, we know we’ve started a relationship that will last for years to come.