Lessons and Learnings from 2020


I’ve struggled to start this post for days now, weeks actually. I’ve procrastinated, ignored, even thought I’d give it a miss this year. But I like traditions, and I also like that this space is a behind the scenes encounter of Nyla Free Designs on multi levels and let’s face it, learning from, and about each other is important.⁠

⁠So where do you even begin reflecting on a year like no other?⁠ I’ve honed in on five of my personal lessons and learnings.


We were very fortunate to see our renovation come to an end late April, and begin the process of settling back in to our “new home” after living in an upheaved state for over a year. What a blessing this was during a time where we spent more time at home than ever before. We embraced each space, relishing in the new design and increased function. Our backyard also became our little oasis and a daily getaway even though it was steps away from the house. There truly is no place like home and I’m so grateful to have a home that not only makes us feel good, but feels like us.

There's No Place Like Home, Lessons and Learnings from 2020, Calgary Interior Designer, Nyla Free Designs


I’d be lying if I said I didn’t experience an immense amount of anxiety and stress last year. Like many of us, I started 2020 with great anticipation of a new year, a new decade and excitement for what the year would hold. Soon after we were living in a world of uncertainty, trying to make heads or tails of what was going on. Each day brought about new information, concerns and challenges, it was head spinning to say the least. Through the same pandemic, we were all experiencing things differently. My Covid is not your Covid, my spouse’s Covid or my kids. I learned to have grace with myself and with others, as we all navigate each day as best we can.

Grit and Grace, Lessons and Learnings from 2020, Calgary Interior Designer, Nyla Free Designs


Now more than ever, I lean on my creativity as a place of solace. Whether design, art, writing, even cooking or baking. Using my hands and creating things has never felt better, and I did a lot more of it in 2020. Keeping this side of my brain energized has been therapeutic, and I’m noticing the benefits of allowing my mind to wander and getting lost in my thoughts.

Creativity Is My Therapy, Lessons and Learnings from 2020, Calgary Interior Designer, Nyla Free Designs


2020 brought me to my knees on more than one occasion. Not simply from exhaustion, but fear. Fear for our health and wellbeing, fear for my business, fear of the unknown… I could go on. Somedays life was just too much. Thankfully, each time I fell, I got back up. Resiliency was my friend.

Fell Down, Got Up, Lessons and Learnings from 2020, Calgary Interior Designer, Nyla Free Designs


In a year where “we’re in this together” became a catch phrase of 2020, I feel like we’ve never been further apart. Humanity is divided. I’m praying for unity. I’m praying for changed hearts. Let’s be open to conversation, not confrontation. Let’s learn, let’s be open minded. There is still much work to do. Let’s not lose sight.

The lessons and learnings of 2020 were plentiful and these are but a few. While it was not an easy year, I am grateful for all I learned. Who knows what 2021 will hold, but I’m taking each day as it comes, holding my loved ones close and continuing to learn each and every day.
