Confessions of an Interior Designer: Friday Link Love 💛


Finding the right words these days is hard. ⁠Over the years writing has become therapy for me and a new creative outlet.

Our spring issue of NFDI Style is nearly complete. At the onset of this endeavour our intent was to make the content 80% images and 20% text. Our hope was to deliver creative content, beautiful images and small amounts of information and text. How many people read through articles anyway?

As each new issue comes our way and I sit down to write, I find myself full of thoughts, and as a result, writing more.

The editors note has become a journal entry of sorts. I know not many people read it, some have told me straight up. I get it. Most people will flip through the pages, take in the imagery and perhaps glance, or skim through the text. And I’m really ok with that. Regardless if people read through our lookbook or not, I don’t see it as a waste of time, because it was worth it for me to do, for me to collect my thoughts and give myself a moment to be creative in a different way than I usually am.

We are all finding new creative outlets right now. Brianna has been working on the lookbook, sketching and painting for our spring issue and loving the stillness it provides. My daughter is going to take an online course to learn calligraphy. How about you? Any creative endeavours you’re embarking on?


Enjoy our Friday links as we head into the weekend. We made it through another week! Yahooooooo!!

Puzzles so beautiful, you’ll want to frame them when you’re done.

Taking care of your Monstera, doesn’t have to be a monstrous task with these tips.

Want to support local Restaurants in a time of social distancing? These Calgary restaurants offer take out & delivery!

Did you know a hot bath has similar benefits to exercise?

The Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra play Symphony No. 9 by Beethoven virtually and it’s beautiful!

A great read on the purchase of fast fashion furniture.

If you’re new to working from home, get tips from our team as we set up our home offices.

May you find light in your days and hope each new morning. Much love from all of us at NFDI.
