Confessions of an Interior Designer: No Phone Zone


Every night before bed I take a bath. It’s my “so called” time to relax and unwind, however the problem is I’ve been taking my phone in the tub with me, and you can imagine the problems with this. Or maybe you can relate?

First off, the obvious notion of dropping my phone in a tub full of water. Duh. Secondly, this really does not allow me to unwind. I pop on social media, I work, I write and with this my mind keeps whirling. Before I had my new tub, I had a tiled surround, so sometimes I even brought my computer into the tub with me, propping it on the side so I could type away. Egads!!

Now I have a new tub - hooray!. And no more “ledge” to prop up my laptop and nowhere to put my phone other than the small table I have to the side of the bathtub. I have a new intention as to how I treat this time that is supposed to be an opportunity to relax in preparation for sleep. It’s simple, but it’s taking a conscious effort.


We’ve been talking a lot about wellness and wellbeing at the office. If you received our Winter Lookbook, you may have noticed it was a common theme with respect to staff 2020 intentions. Whether self care, less social media, more face to face time with friends, or simply getting down to the basics, it’s all part of understanding and perhaps recalibrating our priorities.

My bathroom is newly renovated and it feels like a mini oasis. Fully immersing myself in it, enjoying the fresh new space and all it has to offer, is where I want to turn my focus at the end of each day.

I’m now considering it a “no phone zone”. Magazines and books are all waiting for me to flip pages and engage in mindful reading rather than mindless flipping through my phone. While I’m still engaging my brain, I am not staring at a blue light, or looking at meaningless information on the internet. Or how about the idea of closing my eyes and letting my mind wander with the days events and finding solace in the quiet time?

Now, admittedly, this IS a work in progress. I haven’t fully converted, however I am really working on it. Having my phone available is a habit and to be honest it’s not going to be an overnight fix. By writing this and making it public, I hope to hold myself accountable to this new mantra, and recognize this important time of the day to unwind and prepare for the next.

So do tell. Am I alone in this? Comment below and let me know if you share in my sentiments of finding time of solace without your phone!
