Nyla Free Designs Tips to Work from Home


I started my business in a basement home office in 2002 with an iMac G3 desk top computer and a fax machine. Yes, we had internet however the means of accomplishing what we do now with so many advances in technology is truly astonishing. I continued to work from home for the next 10 years, while I had kids at home and did the juggling act of running a business while getting them to and fro.

When our youngest started full time school I was sooooooooo ready to get out of the house and have an outside office to run my business from. I remember my husband saying, “I don’t understand why every surface of the house is covered with your work?”. It was clearly time to move out.

And now here I am. Working from home again. Along with thousands, hopefully millions of others doing their part to stop the spread of COVID-19. The NFDI team moved out of our office last Monday and we’ve been working from home ever since.

If you find yourself working from home and trying to navigate the ins and outs of boundaries between work and home, we’ve put together some tips to encourage you through your days, along with a special compilation playlist from team NFDI! You can download it at the bottom of the post.

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“Set realistic goals for the day. Create a list of the top 3 jobs you’d like to accomplish.”

“If you have kids at home get them involved.

  • Sort papers

  • Filing

  • Look up information on the internet for you

  • Depending on their age, they can even help take photos for social media, blogs etc.

It might not be perfect but teaching kids a work ethic and allowing them to participate will make them feel like their part of something.”

“Set a time limit on each task and work towards completing them within that time. Set a timer to keep you on track and motivated to reach your goals.”

“Give yourself grace. These are tough times for several reasons. If you don’t get something done, don’t sweat it. If you need to remove yourself from work and do something creative, go for it. Taking care of yourself should be a priority as well.”

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“Make sure to avoid working through lunch, or even eating at your desk. Allow yourself the mental time to step away from whatever you had on the go and take the opportunity to recharge before getting back to it!”

“Set and honour boundaries.  Don't be tempted to work past business hours just because the work is there.  The work will still be there in the morning.”

“The hardest part of working from home is social isolation.  Allowing for a little chit-chat during business calls or emails reassures you that you are not alone, and builds relationships.”

“Don’t let your office space spread throughout your home. Have a specific spot for everything work related, that way when you need to find it, it will be that much more accessible!”

“Shower and get dressed!  You will feel more like you are at work.”

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“Plug-in using wireless headphones. It’s a great way to keep distractions at bay while listening to your favourite jams.”

“Work in a private space if possible, basement, bedroom, etc. - common spaces are distracting with husbands eating sandwiches and asking lots of questions.”

“Make lists to keep yourself accountable.”

“Happy hour starts at 2pm.”

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“Do some tidying first thing in the morning! Whether dishes, laundry or taking the dog for a walk, starting the day off checking boxes is a great way to feel like you’ve accomplished something before you get into work mode. Leaving these tasks for later, can become a mental distraction. Better to get them out of the way ASAP.”

“Do NOT turn on the TV. It’s a vortex that will 100% take you to procrastination station.”

“Create a routine for yourself that signifies the start and end to your day, in place of what would be a work commute. Make yourself a cup of tea or coffee to get your day started, and wrap things up by going out for a quick walk before you slip into your evening’s events.”

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“Kick start your day with coffee/tea time!”

“Make yourself a work playlist, or listen to podcasts while you’re working away! Something that motivates you throughout the day and keeps your focus! It makes working that much more enjoyable when you’re jamming to tunes, or listening to some podcast gold.”

“Play the same song while doing certain tasks. For example listening to Lover by Taylor Swift every time you check emails in the morning will start associating the song with the task and train your brain to follow this routine.”

Music is a massive tool. It helps with productivity, anxiety, lifting our spirits and offering an escape to the world around us. We joined forces and created a playlist we hope you’ll enjoy as you navigate the coming weeks, while working from home.

And if you have any other tips for working from home, please add in the comments below! We’d love to hear from you!

Download our “Get Iso-lit While You Isolate” playlist!

Blessings to you from all of us at Nyla Free Designs.
