11 Ways To Bring Wellness Into Your Home


The winter months can be long and hard. Short days and long nights often bring sadness and a ho-hum attitude. It’s cold, at least here it is, and hard to get motivated sometimes. We’re also on the other side of the holidays and yes, still dealing with a pandemic. It can all be a bit much. Now more than ever it’s important to take care of ourselves. While specific acts of self-care are important, there are aspects within our homes that, on the day to day, can change how you feel. We’ve got eleven areas where a little attention and consideration will make a big difference, and not only help get you through the rest of the season, but change how you feel in your home.

Interior Design: Nyla Free Designs / Photography: Phil Crozier



Being cold never feels good, especially when you’re indoors. I don’t know about you, but when I feel chilled, I tense up, can’t get comfortable and have a hard time thinking straight, especially when my feet are cold! Turning the fireplace on offers warmth, and a lovely ambience with its flickering glow. First thing in the morning, I’ll sit with my coffee in front of the fireplace, enjoying a little quiet time before the day gets underway. It’s allows me a moment to read, meditate, and think about the day ahead. Keeping your thermostat at a comfortable temperature also ensures a more relaxed feeling in our homes. Simply put keeping your home warm, feels good.


Ever walked into a store, or home, and the smell in the room made you feel something instantly? Scent is a powerful sense, and it ignites emotions. Bringing a beautiful smell to your home comes in many forms, such as candles, diffusers, or incense to name a few. I encourage using items as natural as possible, and finding a scent that resonates with you, making you feel something. It could be comforting for our winter months, or a fresh scent for spring. If you’re looking for a year round, classic scent, we’d love for you to try the soy candle we created alongside Milk Jar, citrine. It embodies a subtle sophistication, perfect for any room in your home.


We’ve talked before about the types of lighting every home should have, the affects it has on mood, and the aesthetic of a home. Light has many purposes in a space from function to ambience, and layering your lighting is key. Considering lighting in a room in an effort to create a space that feels good, and offer a sense of calm, is essential to wellbeing. Harsh lighting makes us squint, and can often create a heaviness in the room. Lighting that is too direct, is better for working tasks, and not ideal for creating a mood and sense of relaxation. As the sun goes down, table lamps for lower light, and especially candlelight are my favourites layers of light, contributing to a comfortable space. Consider dimmers on ALL light fixtures to offer flexibility, as well as keeping lights on separate switches to give you more control.


Over the last few months I’ve become a jazz lover. I love the soothing ambience it creates while making dinner, having a family catch up or doing some evening work. I find the vibe, and moodiness of this genre of music so relaxing, and love that it can simply play in the background while not overpowering or taking over the room. Whatever your style, music is a powerful thing when it comes to the feeling we create in our homes, and depending on your mood, stress level, or overall feeling, will look different from day to day. Whether classical, R&B, jazz or d), all of the above , finding a soothing playlist is a great way to create a positive ambience in your home.


There’s no doubt a positive feeling ‘when theres a place for everything, and everything is in its place’. When homes are organized, our shoulders drop, we breath a little easier, and the clutter is cleared from our homes, and our minds. It’s fact. It could be as simple as a drawer divider, a file folder or labeled spices. Small details in the world of organization make a huge difference, impacting our wellbeing, and sense of relaxation in our homes.


For the love of texture! This addition to a home, not only feeds the sense of touch, but sight too. Mixing different textures in a space creates a warmth and level of comfort pleasing to the eye, and a feeling of wanting to linger around a little longer. A thoughtful combination of textures, whether hard surfaces or soft, offers a relaxed sophistication, and a space that doesn’t feel cold or sparse. Consider textures such as warm woods, rustic/ raw accessories or accents, velvets, mohair, natural stone, warm metals, boucle and shearling, to name a few.


Much like wearing layers for a feeling of warmth, adding layers to an interior space, visually does the same thing. They are an undeniable asset to a home in the feeling, and warmth they provide. It’s worth being mindful of how many layers, and which layers are important to consider. It’s also worth noting, layering can come in the simplest of ways. Common layers to consider are accent pillows, throws, area carpets (you can even layer many), lighting, and accessories to name a few.


Being reminded of special moments in a space, whether photos of loved ones, travel books of places we’ve been to, or gifts we’ve received, adds to the wellness of a space. Surrounding ourselves with memories and experiences is no doubt beneficial, and gives us pause to reflect, and remember those important times and people in our life. Consider the addition of memories another layer in the room, offering two forms of wellness in one!


Rest is one of the fundamental ways to increase our wellbeing. Having spaces that support this is essential. The overall design and aesthetic of your bedroom, including the comfort of your mattress, feeling of your sheets, light control and colour palette all contribute to a good nights rest. It doesn’t stop at the bedroom however. Consider areas such as your bathroom, and how you use your tub and shower to support rest. Are they simply places to start your day and get clean? Or would a steam shower provide extra relaxation, or a beautiful bathtub offer a chance to wind down at the end of the day. Love napping? How is the comfort of your sofa? Is it situated in a quiet place to grab some Z’s? There’s a lot to be said for creating spaces where rest is encouraged, and supported.


The health and wellness benefits of live plants are plenty, not to mention the added bonus of elevating your interior decor. Boasting attributes such as increased productivity, concentration and creativity, plants also decrease toxins and increase oxygen. With so many sizes, shapes and varieties to choose from, you’re sure to find the perfect plant, or two, three or four!, to add to your space.

We hope this list has inspired you to invest in yourself and your home, in even the simplest of ways. Returning from a day of work should provide a feeling of solace. A place where you feel content, happy, and able to recharge. If you work from home, all the more reason for your spaces to feel good, and give you a sense of peace. Feeling as though you’re HOME, is one of the most important parts of our work as interior designers. Any, or all!) of the above are worth considering to elevate the health and wellbeing of enjoying your home.


Want to feel good in your home? We’d love to connect with you.