6 Tips to Create a Functional and Beautiful Outdoor Space


While it’s not officially summer yet, it’s fair to say, our outdoor spaces are already being put to good use. Backyards have become extensions of our interior living spaces, embracing conversation and dining experiences in a different setting, complete with fresh air. I often feel like I’m miles away, even though I’m a flight of stairs, and steps away from the rest of my home.

When creating outdoor spaces, we consider a similar thought process as we do when designing interiors. Here are six tips to create a functional and beautiful outdoor space.

6 Tips to Create a Functional and Beautiful Outdoor Space, Calgary Interior Designer, Nyla Free Designs

[1] Determine How You Live In, and Use Your Outdoor Space

There are a number of factors in planning and designing your outdoor space. Whether you’ve had your backyard already professionally landscaped or you’re about to embark on a new project, there are things to consider in the early stage of planning. Here are a few that top our list:

Number of people - not only considering your immediate family, but how you imagine entertaining are both key elements in defining your spaces.

BBQ placement - easy access to your kitchen and our eating areas is an important factor in the layout of your backyard, as is whether or not your bbq requires gas, propane or perhaps you have a smoker that can live anywhere.

Family gatherings - ensuring you have space for the special people in your life is something to consider early on. This will help with furniture selections and determining how many chairs you’ll need, size of dining room table etc.

Individual spaces/ quiet time - dream of having a space you can sneak away to and have catch a few winks? It’s certainly something to consider as an area within your backyard.

Focal points - perhaps you have a fireplace, fire pit, pool, or a spectacular view, planning your furniture placement accordingly will allow for optimal views and appreciating the focus of the space.

6 Tips to Create a Functional and Beautiful Outdoor Space, Calgary Interior Designer, Nyla Free Designs

[2] Create Rooms

Much like your interior, rooms help determine the function of a space or area of your outdoor space. Depending on the size, you may have one area or many. Don’t let size fool you though, it’s amazing what you can fit into a smaller space, simply with a good layout and planning. Outdoor furniture has come a long way with endless options of size, style, shape and comfort. Here are some areas, with respective furniture ideas, to consider:

Living - sofa | chairs | coffee table

Dining - table & chairs, outdoor kitchen/ bbq

Lounging - sectional | lounge chairs | side tables | coffee table

Bedroom - hanging pod | hammock

6 Tips to Create a Functional and Beautiful Outdoor Space, Calgary Interior Designer, Nyla Free Designs

[3] Heat It Up

Whether you’re enjoying your space early in the morning with a cup of coffee, or a late night gathering of friends, outdoor spaces aren’t always warm. Adding an element of heat to provide comfort through lower temps is a great idea. Depending on the layout, and space availability, the following are heat options to consider:

Heat Lamps - propane or natural gas

Fire Pit - gas | propane | real wood

Fireplace - gas | real wood

Layers - outdoor blankets are a must!

Umbrella - on the flip side, an umbrella will help manage the heat of the day, offering shade, and a reprieve from the strength of the sun.

6 Tips to Create a Functional and Beautiful Outdoor Space, Calgary Interior Designer, Nyla Free Designs

[4] Light It Up

There’s nothing like creating an ambience, add and layer lights to enhance the mood outdoors. We often forget about the power of light (no pun intended!) as the sun goes down to offer a glow in and amongst our living, and dining areas. Here are some options to consider depending on your space.

Outdoor pendant - if you’re able to add overhead lighting to your dining area, this provides ease of entertaining long into the night.

String lights - the perfect sparkle overhead of a living, lounging, dining or resting area.

Candles | lanterns - whether battery operated or the flicker of a flame, these accessories add a lovely layer of light on tables, or even placed directly on the ground.

All of the above - it’s certainly not a wrong decision to elevate your spaces with any, or all of these lighting options. Creating areas with different layers of lighting, not only the type and style, but also the height at which the light will glow is a great detail to consider.

6 Tips to Create a Functional and Beautiful Outdoor Space, Calgary Interior Designer, Nyla Free Designs

[5] Consider Comfort and Function

Taking into consideration how you’ll use each space (as mentioned above) will start to define the items required to create your outdoor spaces. Comfort is a key consideration along with function. I highly recommend investing in the best quality you can, and when possible, to sit in the furniture prior to purchasing. The best approach? Work with an interior designer to advise accordingly and help plan your outdoor space for the ideal outcome.

6 Tips to Create a Functional and Beautiful Outdoor Space, Calgary Interior Designer, Nyla Free Designs

[6] Finishing Touches

Last but not least, the finishing touches should never be overlooked! Table settings, pillows and planters are all important details to bring the space home and create a complete and polished look. Much like your interior, the styling makes the room, so embracing these finer details will be sure to create a space you’ll feel good in, and sharing with friends and family.

Accent pillows - have fun with colour, and texture to bring out the personality of your space.

Plants | Planters | Flowers - having live greens in and amongst your backyard is perhaps one of the biggest differences between an indoor and outdoor space. Bring them into your space in the form of pots and planters. Layered with lanterns is also a great idea!

Outdoor table settings - if you’re entertaining guests around a table, having a full set of outdoor dishes, and table setting items puts the final stamp on your dining area. It shows you’ve thought through all the finer details and ensures your guests feel special.

Exterior spaces are just as important as interior, and should be designed to enjoy and feel good in. Summers are short, (here in Calgary anyway), so having well designed outdoor spaces are sure to create many memories, and the feeling of a mini vacation, right in your own backyard!
