Friday Link Love


How often do you compliment? Does it come naturally? Do you stew over conversing with someone you don’t know?

It’s much easier to compliment people online, behind the keyboard of a phone or computer, however how often do you compliment strangers in person? Whether waiting in a line, ordering a coffee or purchasing groceries, there is opportunity to make someone’s day. A small act of kindness or compliment goes a long way.

Admittedly, I have a hard time doing this. My daughters will compliment anyone about anything, hair, outfit, nails, shoes… you get the idea. They are walking complimenters and have no qualms about spreading the love. I often agree, but never say anything.

This year I have an intention of getting back to the basics. I don’t anticipate slowing down per se, rather I do hope to pause, reflect and make more mindful, thoughtful decisions. For me that is living in the moment and being present.

Part of this approach is having a higher level of communication with those around me and stepping outside of my comfort zone. I don’t always speak up as my introversion gets the best of me. In my mind I’m thinking, “oooooh that outfit is incredible, I love that hairstyle, those glasses are so stylish”, but alas, my inside voice does not connect with my outside voice and I walk away without sharing my enthusiasm.

I’m working on being better at this. We can always use more kindness in the world, so why not strike up a conversation with a stranger and put a smile on their face.

It’s National Compliment day and a great reminder to share the love! I’m sure there are a lot of people I’ve never met who will read this post. So let this be a start for me to break out of my shell and let you all know how great you are, even if it is on online.

Enjoy a few notable articles we’ve discovered over the last little while, (even some on compliments!) and have a great weekend!

National Compliment Day, Calgary Interior Designer, Nyla Free Designs

We were presented with 3rd prize in the Small Contemporary Kitchen Category by the NKBA this past week in Vegas!

This 2020, consider these Fresh Starts to refresh and re-energize your New Year!

Looking for the Perfect Valentine’s Dessert? You won’t want to miss this Strawberries & Cream Tart by Fraiche Nutrition!

Harlow & Grey, a fun new party goods find that we are LOVING!

Who knew you could vacation in a Potato?!

We just returned from the Kitchen and Bath Industry Show (KBIS) in Vegas and saw This Colour everywhere!

Make someone’s day by knowing How To Compliment as well as more tips for giving and receiving The Best Compliments.
