Lessons and Learnings from 2019


With every new year, we look back on the events, circumstances and milestones and pause to consider the learnings from the past 12 months. From process to mindfulness to teamwork, we challenge ourselves to be better. We review throughout each project, as well as each opportunity, Lookbook, social media experiment etc. Was there room for improvement? What systems do we need to update or add? 2019 was a year of building on the learnings from previous years, as well as the opportunities and experiences we were blessed to have within the year itself.

Throughout this post, you’ll notice an overall theme of authenticity, branding, hard work and accountability. Thank you 2019! What a year it was.

Lessons and Learnings from 2019, Calgary Interior Designer, Nyla Free Designs

There’s a difference between having goals and working for them. The start of a New Year brings about intentions, hopes and goals, however, writing them down and creating a “wish” list is not enough. In 2019 we put our heads down and worked hard to accomplish the things we did. Regular meetings, a clear focus and circling back to our roots as a company and what we stand for, were at the forefront of each and every decision and opportunity.

At the base of our business is our value system and being true to what NFDI stands for. Regardless of project intake, social media and marketing, or opportunities that came our way, we worked hard to build a clear vision internally, as well as the aesthetic we create via interiors and social networking on and offline. We’ve worked hard to exercise this business muscle in 2019 and will continue to build on it through 2020.

Lessons and Learnings from 2019, Calgary Interior Designer, Nyla Free Designs

A reoccurring theme for today’s day and age is constant comparison and striving to measure up. In 2019 we made an effort to be authentic. This meant not always posting only the pretty photos or sharing the highlight real of NFDI. While there were a lot of highlights, we still faced challenges, we learned, and we did our best to be present through all of it in an effort to be better and transparent. Our Instagram posts got a little more raw and real, our conversations with clients were honest and with this, we remained true to ourselves.

Living authentically is not hard. however, it does mean being vulnerable and true to yourself. It requires sharing when things go wrong and the ‘not-so ideal’ moments in a world that arguably can look a little too perfect.

The grass may seem greener on the other side, but is it real? Turf always looks perfect but it’s 100% fake and takes zero effort to maintain. Our goal is to water, fertilize and cut the real deal, sharing authenticity even when the grass doesn’t looking great. Thank you for taking us for who we are, through the beauty and the bombs.

On the heels of our previous lesson in 2019, about living more authentically, it’s fair to say we had a few storms along the way. Bad decisions and veering away from our processes came with consequences, but also blessings.

One in particular resulted in being fired. Yep, FIRED. We took on a decor project in September and by mid October we were no longer working together. But here’s the thing, I wasn’t mad about it. In the words of Anna Wintour, it was a great learning experience. I not only knew where we went wrong and claimed responsibility, I also knew it wasn’t the right fit and it was best to severe ties. I have no hard feelings and I have no regrets. The learnings we took from this experience were essential to making changes and putting our process back on track to be better going forward.

While there were so many scenarios at play, it starts from the top. As a leader it is my job to make sure we are honest and have the utmost of integrity, even through the storms.


2019 proved to me that our team is stronger than ever and we are gaining momentum, together. We have complimentary strengths, we champion each other and support, laugh, cheer, cry and build each other up. I couldn’t be more blessed to have the creative team I have behind me.

NFDI is where it is today because I’ve had a team of people who not only believe in me, but believe in what we stand for and have created. I wouldn’t be where I am today without them. Thank you Ana, Jackie, Alex, Brianna and Kerstin! 💛

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In 2019 we took risks, we tried new things and we put ourselves out there. At the end of the day, we’re building our own brand. Each business should have an authentic persona, whether it be aesthetics, process, target market or d.) all of the above.

We work differently than most design studios and in the end that’s what sets us apart. We have a clear, step by step process for our design projects, we are fully transparent with fees and finances and we design homes tailored specifically for each client, resulting in a diverse portfolio of work.

When meeting with potential clients who want to compare apples to apples with other potential designers. There are 7500 varieties of apples in the world. See where I’m going here? While there are several options for designers, and by title we all do the same thing, we are all so very different. No one else is Nyla Free Designs, from our team, to our aesthetic and how we work. We have been practicing staying in our own lane, our own orchard if you will. It’s hard not to look at what others are doing and think we should be doing that too. We all have our own super powers, so be true to yourself.

With this, we are heading in to 2020 with a clear vision. We are ready to continue working hard, be fearlessly authentic, learn from experiences, remain a rock solid team and be creative leaders within the vast varieties of apples out there.

We’re welcoming a new year and a new decade with open arms! As always, thank you for following along the journey.


You can read previous years lessons and learnings > 2016 | 2017 | 2018