Lessons & Learnings from 2017


Happy New Year! 

As we move into 2018, setting intentions and resolutions for the year ahead is top of mind, however I also like to reflect back on the previous year to recognize and acknowledge the learnings. While there are many, I have narrowed it down to four. 

Grateful, Nyla Free Designs Inc., Calgary Interior Designer

2017 was a tough year for Alberta, and businesses like ours can be easily affected by a down turn in the economy. Daily I was grateful for the work we had, our amazing clients, as well as my staff. There wasn't a day that went by that I didn't acknowledge this, to the point where I think, I hope, it's become a daily habit. Being thankful just breeds good feelings all around.

Doubt, Nyla Free Designs Inc., Calgary Interior Designer

Who's ready to get rid of doubt?? One of my goals for 2018, based on 2017 is going to be to GO FOR IT. 'Just do it' as the Nike brand puts it. It's often easier said than done however this year, rather than over analyze every last decision to the point of analysis paralysis, I hope to DO instead of DOUBT. I do not want to feel afraid, I do not want to feel uncertain. I want o boldly GO and confidently DO. Who's with me?

Success and Failure, Nyla Free Designs Inc., Calgary Interior Designer

TIME ZONE! Some people graduate university at 22 some go back at 45. Some become a CEO at 28 and others change the world at 50. Everyone you know works in their time zones. When you look around you might think that some are ahead of you and other are behind. But, everyone is running their race with their own time. Don’t envy others success or mock someone who has not won yet! Don’t forget you are in your #timezone

This is something that was a big learning for me in 2017 and I'm still working on it, and it's hard! But slowly I'm realizing everyone is working at their own pace and the comparison game is evil. We're all in this together. Creating a community of support and encouragement is so important and celebrating others successes in their time will come full circle when it's yours. Jamie Banfield, a designer in Vancouver, who I follow on Instagram, shared a fabulous post with this caption above. I loved it so much and it really resonated with me. Follow him on Instagram @mr.banfield and @jamie_banfield_design. Also check out his website. Fabulous work!

Magical Beginnings, Nyla Free Designs Inc., Calgary Interior Designer

If you read our recent post about new beginnings then this one will be familiar. I am in a state of trust that our move and our growth will be the start of something magical. Not from a fairytale perspective, but one of a result of hard work, a foundation of wonderful relationships and new and exciting opportunities on the horizon. 

And so with this we welcome 2018 with open arms and look forward to all it has in store for us at Nyla Free Designs. 

We're so thankful to have you join us along this journey. If you know someone who might like to follow along please forward them our blog so they can subscribe! We'd love to have them as part of our community. 


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