Las Vegas Furniture Market: Highlights and Trends


Our team recently attended the Las Vegas Furniture Market and loved every minute of it. It was my first time to Vegas (I know, shocking isn’t it?!) and Jackie and Alex’s first time to a trade show. We had a great five days of team bonding, networking, learning and getting inspired by all the beautiful things we saw.

When visiting trade shows I often take note of repeating elements I see from showroom to showroom. When more than one supplier is using the same detail, a trend is born. Whether a fleeting moment or something with staying power, trends are part of our business and have an influence on overall design.

Here are four trends we noticed from showroom to showroom:


Las Vegas Furniture Market Highlights and Trends, Calgary Interior Designer, Nyla Free Designs

Black Cerused Oak



Las Vegas Furniture Market Highlights and Trends, Calgary Interior Designer, Nyla Free Designs

Critter Boxes

Trade shows, however, are not just for trend spotting. While it’s great to go and see what’s new and next, there are so many benefits to attending a trade show.

Here’s our TOP 10 reasons why we attend:

  1. Visit the showrooms of vendors we currently purchase from to see new product.

  2. Learn about new product lines.

  3. Network and meet new people.

  4. Sit, touch and open furniture pieces to gain understanding of the quality and construction to enhance our selection process.

  5. Build confidence in selecting product for clients based on seeing items in person.

  6. Bonding within our own team.

  7. Discover how we can better serve our clients with new knowledge and insight.

  8. Keep an eye out for items specific to current projects.

  9. Take note of trends and influences in the world of design.

  10. Understand new methods, materials and construction in design first hand.

There’s no shortage of reasons to go!
