Nyla Free Designs Blooper Reel 2017


As the year winds down, so does the holiday season. It was a doozy this year with our office move, Christmas planning and on the personal side, managing the schedule of my youngest performing in Alberta Ballet's Nutcracker the week before Christmas. Back and forth to the Jubillee Auditorium seven times during the worst winter weather Calgary has seen all year and a revolving door of visitors. Thank goodness for an extremely understanding husband who stepped up to the plate and helped make Christmas happen amidst the chaos.  

While stress is par for the course in the world of interior design, we try to keep it as minimal as possible. Having fun is important to us at Nyla Free Designs and we had a lot of it in 2017. From installations to office vibes we sure had our fair share of laughter. We couldn't help but put together a compilation of bloopers caught on tape. Enjoy! 


Video: Module Creative Agency

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