DIY Easter Eggs


Creativity is fuel. There’s something therapeutic about working with your hands and creating. With Easter weekend around the corner and life at home taking on a new meaning, we’re sharing a fun little DIY for adults and kids alike.

Add a little colour or sparkle to your home with these egg-cellent ideas!

Hollowing out the eggs

  1. Take a small nail or needle and poke holes both on the top and bottom of the egg.

  2. Stick either the nail/ needle or a toothpick into the hole, stir so as to break up the yoke.

  3. Over a bowl, take the wider end of the egg and blow into hole so that the egg yoke and white exits into the bowl. Set aside for incorporating into any baking opportunities.

Marbled Eggs

What you’ll need: Eggs, Plastic Tupperware, Room temperature water, Nail Polish, Nail Polish Remover, Stir Stick, Rubber Gloves.

  1. Hollow out egg(s)

  2. Fill tupper ware container with room temperature water. Keep in mind, if the water is too cold, the nail polish will sink.

  3. Add a few drops of nail polish to the water, and stir for a marbling affect. You will want to act fast as the nail polish will set.

  4. Dip Egg into into water and swirl. *Tip: wear rubber gloves to prevent staining on your fingers. You could also use small tongs to prevent dyeing your fingers.

  5. Pull out egg and set to dry.

  6. Use nail polish remover to tidy up any mess you may have.


Washi Tape Eggs

What you’ll need: Eggs, Washi Tape of any colour/pattern, scissors.

  1. Hollow out your desired number of eggs.

  2. Cut out a variety of shapes/strips of washi tape. *Note: For a smoother finish & aesthetic, it is better to use smaller pieces of tape.

  3. Adhere tape to eggs & Voila!

Glitter Eggs

What you’ll need: Eggs, Glitter, Glue

  1. Hollow out egg(s).

  2. Apply glue pattern to the eggs surface

  3. Sprinkle dusting of glitter over glue spots, until covered. *Tip: Use a dish/plate to catch all excess glitter. This way you can reuse the excess glitter and minimize waste!

  4. Let dry!


We hope you’re egg-cited to DIY some fun crafts this weekend!
