The Magic of New Beginnings


I remember being so nervous when I realized I needed to move out of my house and into an office space back in 2013. While deep down I knew it was the right decision I was scared. What if...? How would I...? What about...? Feelings of uncertainty, doubt and the unknown all haunted me. I knew I wanted to start off small as at the time it was just me, a solopreneur/ entrepreneur with lofty goals and a big road ahead.

I found a 350 sq. ft office in what was the old Canadian Forces Base, now office buildings for small businesses just like mine. I moved in and immediately hired an office manager. And then there were two.

Nyla Free Designs Inc., Calgary Interior Designer, The Magic of New Beginnings

I struggled through the growing pains and understanding the business side of interior design and so I shifted gears and invested time, energy and money into integrating systems, processes and procedures to provide the best possible interior design experience to our clients. It was a lot of work, but well worth the efforts. I soon realized we had more work than I could manage with the two of us, so we added another team member, a junior designer. 

Nyla Free Designs Inc., Calgary Interior Designer, The Magic of New Beginnings

By 2015, we had three full time staff and were starting to burst, with respect to both space and projects. I knew it was time to look for larger space however it was too soon as we still had two years left on our lease. 

We took over office space across the hall to give us a little more breathing room and get us through the time until we found new space. We made adjustments to meetings, phone calls and anything that required a larger space as we just didn't have it anymore. 

Nyla Free Designs Inc., Calgary Interior Designer, The Magic of New Beginnings
Nyla Free Designs Inc., Calgary Interior Designer, The Magic of New Beginnings

At the start of 2017 we began the search with the goal of finding a space by June so we'd have the time for improvements etc. before needing to be out of our current space at the end of December. We are now a team of five and while our quaint space has served us well it's time to spread our wings a little further. 

The quote we wrote on the fridge when we first moved into this office (top image) couldn't be truer five years later. 

'even if you're on the right track you'll get run over if you just sit there". Will Rogers

Thank you Will for reminding me that change is good. Change is necessary. And while I'm still nervous, I'm excited, and have a lot less "what if's" filling my mind. Our new office is a wonderful stepping stone for our business, it has a great feel to it and we can't wait to show you! We captured the process of the renovation to whet your whistle. There's still lots to do but we're all settled in and excited to be starting this next chapter and quite timely as we are about to start a new year as well. So cheers to the magic of new beginnings and living out dreams. 


Video: Module Creative Agency

Photos: Lori Andrews 

Special thanks to Stillwater Developements | Atelier Jacob | Divine Flooring | Grohe | Cosentino | Icon Stone & Tile | CF Interiors | Martech | Red Eight | Busy Boy Moving Robinson Lighting & Bath for being an amazing part of our team to bring this new space to life. 

Follow along for more interior design ideas and inspirations.