Home Refresh For The Holidays: The Christmas Countdown Is On!


I realize this is somewhat cruel, posting about Christmas in the depth of summer. I promise you, however, this is intended to not only benefit you, but avoid disappointment as the holidays quickly approach. From todays date, there are 150 days until December 25th, and if your 2020 is anything like our 2020, it’s moving along at record speed, which means the holidays are going to be here before we both know it.

We’re all about planning ahead at Nyla Free Designs. After the year we’ve had thus far, I think we can all agree we’d like to see it end on a high note. Lets celebrate making it through one of the toughest years yet and have a Christmas to remember. That means planning and preparing is essential sooner rather than later, and there’s no time like the present to start thinking about the holiday season.

We often get calls, regarding the Holidays, in September and into October, after the kids are back in school and the fall routine has settled in. By then it’s not ideal timing to design, source, implement and install. It’s doable, however options are limited, stock is low and the potential to purchase without a thoughtful plan (ensuing costly mistakes) is certainly higher

I know it’s crazy to even think about right now. We’re experiencing the hottest week so far this year in Calgary so why not cool yourself down by thinking ahead to Christmas ;)

Unsure as to how long the process actually takes? Looking to update your home from a decor perspective before the big day arrives? Our home refresh timeline shares the ins and outs of each stage and the importance of starting now.

Home Refresh for the Holidays - Calgary Interior Designer, Nyla Free Designs , Holiday Planning, Christmas Preparations #homerefresh #christmas #holidayguide #holidayready #bestChristmasever

Home Refresh for the Holidays - Calgary interior designer, Nyla Free Designs break down a timeline to help you get your home ready in time for Christmas! - Paper Icon

STAGE ONE: Design Development

Once we have an understanding of the overall look and feel, as well as budget considerations, we’ll get to work on designing your room(s). This takes time, not only from an overall design perspective, but also with respect to honing in on the exact right details and selections for your space. We take into consideration aesthetic, budget, lifestyle, needs vs. wants and of course timing, during this 2-3 week phase.

Home Refresh for the Holidays - Calgary interior designer, Nyla Free Designs break down a timeline to help you get your home ready in time for Christmas! - Lamp Icon

Stage two: reselections & order confirmations

Once the presentation is complete and the proposal approved, there may be a few reselections and confirmations required for various reasons. We do this immediately in an effort to manage timing, confirm orders and secure product as soon as possible. Processing orders takes time which is why we allocate 1-2 weeks for this stage. We are vigilant in dotting i’s and crossing t’s, confirming stock again and receiving order confirmations for reassurance that they are in place.

Home Refresh for the Holidays - Calgary interior designer, Nyla Free Designs break down a timeline to help you get your home ready in time for Christmas! - Calendar Icon

Stage three: anxiously awaiting!

This is the hardest part! All of the decisions are made, orders are in place and now it’s the waiting game. Rest assured, things are moving along behind the scenes and it’s our job to manage all the details, timelines, shipping confirmations and ETA’s. Furniture orders can take up to 12-16 weeks if not in stock. We keep our clients informed with regular updates, arrivals, product inspections and any unexpected hiccups. We work closely with our suppliers to manage expectations and make sure product arrives when intended.

While we manage orders and prepare for installation, you can focus attention on other areas of holiday planning with alleviated stress. No dealing with furniture deliveries, possible damages, supplier communication and general project management. Phew!

Home Refresh for the Holidays - Calgary interior designer, Nyla Free Designs break down a timeline to help you get your home ready in time for Christmas! - truck icon

Stage four: installation

We made it! The time has come to bring your new space(s) to life. The installation process is fun and exciting and we can’t wait to get started. Depending on the size of the project, we allow 1-3 days for installation and styling. Furniture is received, placed in its respective location and styled for a completed, polished room. When we’re done, you’ll have a home to love for the holidays, as well as for years to come.

Voila! You’re ready to celebrate the holidays with a room as stylish as you are. It’ll certainly be a Christmas to remember.

Thinking about Christmas may be the furthest thing from your mind right now. I get it. Who wants to think about cold weather, snow and shorter days? Whether you’re on vacation or enjoying your backyard oasis, give us a call! Now is the time to start planning your best Christmas ever. You won’t regret it! With Christmas being one of the most meaningful times of the year, now more than ever, lets makes this one extra special. Get in touch and we’ll take the reins from here.

To see Nyla Free Designs behind the scenes check out the installation and client reveal from our Elbow Park Modern project here.
