The simple necessity of having enough food is a struggle for many. The last few years have been no exception as people find themselves in situations where even the basics are hard to provide for their families. Now more than ever, The Calgary Food Bank needs our help. If you've been following along over the years, you may be aware of my Christmas caramel tradition. They are highly anticipated morsels of joy we include in our holiday gifting. People hide them from loved ones to enjoy all to themselves, and this year I've introduced dark chocolate caramels into the mix which have been well received! With this, we're raffling off TWO, four dozen (that's 48 pieces total!) bundles of Golden Caramels and Dark Chocolate Caramels in support of the Calgary Food Bank.
*Each winner will receive 48 caramels (24 golden & 24 dark chocolate)
Here's what to do:
Click Donate > Enter Details > $10.00 per entry. It's as easy as unwrapping a caramel and popping it in your mouth! We'll be announcing the two winners Monday, December 20th, 2020.
100% of the money received will be donated to the Calgary Food Bank. ***The Calgary Food Bank can multiply a financial donation by roughly 5 times, which means $5.00 can buy almost $50.00 worth of food.
*Canadian entries only. Winner within Calgary will be delivered. Winner outside of Calgary will be shipped at no charge.