Confessions of an Interior Designer: Analysis Paralysis

Nyla Free Designs, Confessions of an Interior Designer, Analysis Paralysis, Personal Office Space Flatlay, Calgary Interior Designer

There are many reasons interior designers are hired. Expertise, a creative eye, space planning solutions, facilitation…I could go on :) To put it simply, we pull it all together from start to finish. We have a vision for the space or home, formed by conversations with our client, and we bring it to life by carefully selecting each surface, material, furniture item and accessory in such a way to complete the cohesive overall look and feel we’re after. 

Now, turn the tables. 

We moved into our new office last December. all shiny and new. We focused first and foremost on the areas that were critical from a function perspective to have complete at the onset. All other areas, as well as decor details, took a backseat until we had a chance to settle in and breathe a little. My office was one such area. With a door to hide the “unfinished” space, I was happy to wait for the completion of my office until I could fully decided how I wanted to design the space. 

And herein lies the problem. Making a decision on my own space was a painful process.

So I enlisted the help of Alex in our office to assist with the selections in an effort to move things along and begin ordering. Knowing full well that if this was left with me, there would be little to no action. It’s called analysis paralysis. Or rather, a new phrase that’s been coined in our office called  aNYLAsis paralysis

I had a few ideas I shared with Alex as jumping off points. One of which was a chair I found on Pinterest I fell in love with. Her investigative ways found the source and then we learned the price. I had set a budget and this was going to make a dent. But I love it. It’s perfect. So we decided to see how everything else unfolds before we make a firm decision. Smart right? 

Nyla Free Designs, Confessions of an Interior Designer, Analysis Paralysis, Personal Office Space, Calgary Interior Designer

As Alex makes selections I love, I feel good. Like I’m making progress. Yet, I’m still looking at things, revisiting selections, number crunching, analyzing and over analyzing. Exactly the symptoms we alleviate for our clients. Which ends up equaling more indecision on my part. I’m literally driving myself crazy, not to mention Alex. Such patience she has for this client!! ;)

As a segue, I make decisions quickly and efficiently for clients. I have a clear sense as to what works and what doesn’t and for the most part, have the ability to look at something and know whether it’s right or not at first glance. There are however, items that require some contemplation, review with other selections and of course a confirmation it works within the budget. The point is, for our clients I make decisions well. For myself, not so much. 

Here is a glimpse/ sneak peek into the overall feel and mood board of our selections so far. Eeeeeeek! 

Nyla Free Designs, Confessions of an Interior Designer, Analysis Paralysis, Personal Office Space Mood Board, Calgary Interior Designer

I’m happy to report, we ( I ) have made decisions. Things are on order. Product is arriving. 

With all the wallpaper, furniture and fabric re-selections and layout reconfigurations, we’re finally moving forward. And I’m so excited. The paralysis has worn off and I can’t wait to have my office complete. Of course now I want it done tomorrow!!! Again, such a common response from clients when decisions are made, excitement is brewing and things are happening. How long do I have to wait for all this beauty?? I am no different :) 

So, in all this, here is what I taught myself through this process of indecision and embarking on the design of my own office.



There's something to be said for being surrounded by special pieces. Whether furniture, fabrics, art or even colour, a room filled with items you love will make you happy and feel good. Full stop.


There is no shortage of options out there and information overload is where people stall out. I had to tell myself to stop obsessing over the what if's and maybe's. 


I stayed as close to my budget as possible, making mindful decisions and not compromising on design or aesthetic. I splurged on the chair because I love it. I splurged on drapery fabric because I love it. The console I purchased second hand, the sofa is budget friendly and the statement wallpaper is also reasonably priced. All of which I also love. Win WIN! 


I pushed the envelope with my own style and really wanted to embrace doing something out of the box. Because it's my office I decided to have fun with it and go for something bold. 


The chair I love and ordered is going to take upwards of 12 weeks. Ugh. But it's going to be so worth it!! 

There's much more to come, so stay tuned!
