3 Ways to Spoil Your Mom at Home on Mother's Day


Arguably I'm writing this slightly biased because I'm a mom. I do however have a mom and am forever grateful for all she has done and continues to do for me. The cheerleader in her is always there to champion me, support me, make sure I'm healthy and taking care of myself. My mom didn't have it easy as she was a single mom for several years. There is no question mom's work hard. There is no question their hearts walk this earth in the form of their children. There is no question mom's should be celebrated. Becoming a mom is life changing and while there are certainly ups and downs, it is one of the best things I have ever experienced in my life and in turn have a greater appreciation for my own mom. 


MOTHER [/muhth_er/]


A person who loves unconditionally. A character builder and heart healer. The maker and keeper of wonderful memories. A skilled person with specialisms in logistical management, event planning, negotiation, and the location of lost items. Possible mind reading capabilities. Can survive on little to no sleep. Works for free. Superhero. A person much loved and greatly admired.

It goes without saying mom's are extra special people and with Mother's Day a few short weeks away we prepared a few ideas to treat your mom like a queen, right in her very own home. 

Breakfast In Bed

There's no greater guilty pleasure than lingering amongst the covers when daylight is streaming in. Because you've obviously let mom sleep in, with no morning obligations ;) give her the gift of breakfast in bed and make her feel extra special before her feet hit the floor. A simple breakfast and cup of coffee will be a wonderful start to her day. After all, she is kind of a big deal, right?! 

3 Ways to Spoil Your Mom At Home On Mother's Day, Breakfast In Bed, Nyla Free Designs Inc., Calgary Interior Designer
3 Ways to Spoil Your Mom At Home On Mother's Day, Breakfast In Bed, Nyla Free Designs Inc., Calgary Interior Designer

Mother's Day Brunch

Avoid a packed restaurant or brunch buffet and treat mom to your own culinary cuisine. It doesn't take much to impress moms. Thoughtfulness is key. If a mom isn't required to enter the kitchen I think you've got a win. There's nothing like a meal being prepared for you. Throw in some flowers and a handmade card and you'll have made her day. 

3 Ways to Spoil Your Mom At Home On Mother's Day, Brunch, Nyla Free Designs Inc., Calgary Interior Designer
3 Ways to Spoil Your Mom At Home On Mother's Day, Brunch, Nyla Free Designs Inc., Calgary Interior Designer
3 Ways to Spoil Your Mom At Home On Mother's Day, Brunch, Nyla Free Designs Inc., Calgary Interior Designer
3 Ways to Spoil Your Mom At Home On Mother's Day, Brunch, Nyla Free Designs Inc., Calgary Interior Designer

Bath Time Spa 

As a designer I've learned bathing isn't loved by all. However, if you have a mom who enjoys a relaxing bath, give her that quiet time complete with books, magazines and her favourite wind down beverage. Offer her as much zen opportunity as possible with dimmed lights, candles, aromatherapy and the music of her choice. Spaaaaaaaaaaaah!

3 Ways to Spoil Your Mom At Home On Mother's Day, Bath Time Spa, Nyla Free Designs Inc., Calgary Interior Designer
3 Ways to Spoil Your Mom At Home On Mother's Day, Bath Time Spa, Nyla Free Designs Inc., Calgary Interior Designer
3 Ways to Spoil Your Mom At Home On Mother's Day, Bath Time Spa, Nyla Free Designs Inc., Calgary Interior Designer

Hoping these ideas have inspired you to spoil your mamma. Let's celebrate all the amazing moms who are so incredibly devoted and give us endless love! 

I am blessed to know a lot of moms who I admire, adore and have an incredible amount of respect for. Thank you for your friendship, love and constant source of inspiration.

Wishing all moms a Happy Mother's Day! 
