7 Simple Ways to Spring Clean


Spring has arrived! I can't tell you how happy this makes me.

While cleaning isn't often a word associated with interior design, it does capture the essence of preparing your home in one way or another. Whether for company, a new week, a special occasion or in this case, a new season, cleaning is a great way to reset, renew and refocus attention to our homes. While I don't care for the act of cleaning per se, I do love the idea of paring down and switching things up as we enter Spring. 

Here are 7 Ways to Spring Clean ~  

Spring Clean in 7 Simple Ways, Nyla Free Designs Inc., Calgary Interior Designer

1. Purge 

Letting go is probably the hardest thing to do yet the most important when you want to clear the clutter and regain control over the stuff in your life. Take a hard look and assess what you haven't worn in a year to donate to a consignment store, women in need or goodwill. Anything damaged and not worth repairing should be thrown away or recycled. If worth repairing, do so. Clear the air with getting rid of those lingering items taking up space in your home. 

7 ways to Spring Clean, Nyla Free Designs Inc., Calgary Interior Designer

2. Edit then organize

When I think of organizing, the first thing I want to do is purchase all the pretty containers to organize with. This however simply adds to the potential clutter you may have just finished clearing out from our first suggestion. Resist the urge to purchase prior to knowing exactly what you need containers for. Make piles, lists and document approximate sizes for the storage you'll need, then head out armed with all the information you'll require to purchase the proper items. Discerning where you'll be storing such containers is also beneficial with respect to the overall look and feel you may be after. Storing in your basement = clear totes for good visibility. Storing in an open shelf in your living room = stylish boxes to add to your decor. 

7 Ways to Spring Clean, Nyla Free Designs Inc., Calgary Interior Designer

3. Switch out bed linens

Moving from cozy layers to lighter linens is the best way to welcome spring. Switch from wools and knits to linens and cottons in an effort to stay warm at night without over heating. Having multiple sets of bed linens for each bed provides longevity and ease between washing/ changing sheets. In Calgary, layers are always a good idea regardless of the season as our temperature shifts are regular throughout the year. 

7 Ways to Spring Clean, Nyla Free Designs Inc., Calgary Interior Designer

4. Clean your windows

There is nothing like the sparkle of freshly cleaned windows. You'll be amazed at how much brighter your interior is with clean glass. Warning: you might even need your shades. It's a great way to start off the spring/ summer season, especially as the days are longer so you'll have lots more time in the day to enjoy the view. 

7 Ways to Spring Clean, Nyla Free Designs Inc., Calgary Interior Designer

5. Add some life

Spring offers a sense of new beginnings and new life. Welcome a plant, succulents or flowers to your space to give it a fresh new vibe. Whether in a large vase or low tray, adding greens to your space is sure to liven up your surroundings after a long winter. Tip: If you don't have a green thumb succulents will be your new favourite plant. Low maintenance and easy to care for. 

7 ways to Spring Clean, Nyla Free Designs Inc., Calgary Interior Designer

6. Organize your closet

As warmer days are among us, the need for chunky sweaters and wool knits are behind us. Do a revamp of your closet to unveil your spring and summer clothes and store winter ones. Reorganize your closet by colour as well as work | weekend | fancy to coordinate outfits with ease. Donate or consign anything you haven't worn within the last year. 


7. Add colour

It's no secret colour has a way of putting a smile on our faces. Adding in touches of bright, fresh colour helps to move from the blah days of winter to the sunny days of spring. Whether in pillows, flowers, pretty details and accents, this addition is sure to liven up your space. 

