Nyla Free Designs Best Of 2016


I'm a huge fan of "year in review" highlights and video montages. I love the reminiscing, remembering the achievements, learnings and celebrating the successes and accomplishments. It's also a time of reflection as we move into a new year. While 2016 had it's challenges, we also had an incredibly successful year and for that we are so, so grateful. Here are some of our Instagram highlights from the year. It's fun to look back and remember what a great year we've had!

We sourced beautiful product and furniture. We started and completed projects. We installed furniture and styled rooms pretty. We travelled to far away places and took time for ourselves. We worked as a team and grew closer together. We researched and learned new things. We createdWe designed. We inspired each other. And last but not least, we connected, with each other and with you. Thank you 2016!

Nyla Free