Nyla Free Designs Christmas Traditions


This Christmas season has been one of the fullest yet, both personally and professionally Last year I mentioned how I was not a fan of the word "busy". I've been mindful all year of not using the word as an easy and blank descriptor. I recently ran into someone who knew of all I had on the go and they immediately commented on how busy I had been. Yes, I responded. "Wonderfully busy".  

And in all of the wonderfully busy moments, I have tried to remember to pause. To stop and really appreciate the moment. It's these times that build up our memory banks of all the traditions new and old this time of year. 

We're reminiscing of days gone by and what we cherished about this special season and all it's wonder. 

Nyla Free Designs, Christmas Traditions, Calgary Interior Designer


Growing up, Christmas at my grandparents house was a tradition I hold dear to my heart. With our homemade stockings (I still have mine) hung on the fireplace and everyone in their pj's most of the day, we gathered in their massive living room for stockings and presents before retreating to the dining room for my grandfather's famous eggs Portuguese and my grandmothers flawless turkey dinner. My grandparents home was more about the feeling it gave me rather than the actual traditions, and it's one I hope I never forget. 

Nyla Free Designs, Christmas Traditions, Calgary Interior Designer


What I look most forward to at Christmas, is going out and getting a real tree and having the smell of fresh pine throughout the house and decorating it while enjoying classic christmas music and a drink!



When growing up in Chile, Papa Noel gifts were left at the foot of our beds unwrapped, and home made Christmas Stollen was left instead of a cookie.

Nyla Free Designs, Christmas Traditions, Calgary Interior Designer


Every year when we were little we used to make a giant fort "hotel" in my brothers room. We used to section it off and use rope to make separate rooms for the hotel. We each would make our own room to sleep in and then also created little movie theatres and game rooms. (We just set up a laptop up with a movie on and put our gameboys all in a circle.)  We would spend most of Christmas Eve night building this and didn't "check out" until probably the 27th.

Nyla Free Designs, Christmas Traditions, Calgary Interior Designer


Each year on January 7th my Dad's family gathers to celebrate Ukrainian Christmas. It's one of my favourite times of the year because my Grandparents prepare a Ukrainian feast including their famous borscht soup - Yummy!


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