What's on Jackie's Desk?


A work desk is a tell tale sign of what's happening in the day to day. As we enter into the last month of the year there's a flurry of activity going on. This year especially, with our upcoming office move, several projects at varying stages and holiday festivities around every corner, there's a no shortage of to-do lists.

Here's what's currently happening on Jackie's desk! 

What's on Jackie's Desk, Nyla Free Designs, Calgary Interior Designer

• An avid tea drinker, Jackie loves her Red Rose. 

• A wedding invitation. I wonder who's??

• Lindt chocolates that arrived from a favourite supplier. 

• Furniture plans in preparation for our Naramata project installation - we're heading out today to check it out! 

• Office change of address cards ready to send. 

• Headphones to plug in and focus when needed - a must on Jackie's desk!

What's on Jackie's Desk, Nyla Free Designs, Calgary Interior Designer


ps. There was an improper link on our previous post. Click here > Winter Wishes: Staff Holiday Picks to check it out if you missed it. 

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